Friday, 10 June 2011

Inner Peace, Wave 1 "The Power To Reflect"

First, I need you to watch these videos to get the message clearly. 

"Inner Peace", that was the lesson the Panda had learnt in its last Adventure in kung-Fu Panda Part 2. Inner Peace means that the body is in a state of peace from inside, so it can concentrate on the outer attacks.

I liked the idea, not because that many don't have any inner peace, but that when the panda had that Inner Peace, it could control the external environment, and defend itself from the Powers that had destroyed a whole town.

Although the Most Common Quote that said: " The best way to Defend is to Attack ", the Panda didn't believe in it. Do we always need to Defend to feel Secure, to feel in Peace?? Do we always Attack anybody we feel that he's an Enemy??

The Panda believed in that one: " The best way to Attack is to Reflect Attack, with Inner Peace". With Inner Peace, you can win the fight without starting it or even without thinking about it. You're just in Peace enough to Defend yourself and reflect all the Enemy's Attacks on him.

That's the Point, if you had Inner Peace, you'll live in Outer Peace, and in case that someone Attacked you, he'll be attacking on himself because you're in control enough to reflect all Attack and live in Peace, Outer Peace and Inner Peace !!!


May El-Dardiry said...

if you had Inner Peace, you'll live in Outer Peace, and in case that someone Attacked on you, he'll be attacking on himself because you're in control enough to reflect all Attack and live in Peace, Outer Peace and Inner Peace !!! =) =)

I Loved that =))) It's amazing when you feel Inner Peace =)
Your mind becomes so clear =) and you have that amazing feeling of satisfaction and happiness deep down in yourself =)
You find yourself smiling and free of worries =)

So much in inner peace now el 7amdulellah =)

JAK Kathiran for this one Maged =) I was so much inspired by Kung Fu panda 1 and will watch 2 so soon isA =)

Rabena yekremak :)

Unknown said...

That's what Um talkin about :), when you feel OFF WORRIES :), Inner Peace :)

Mahdy said...

Amazing words in the best time ever :) Thanks you redirected my thoughts :) ... JAK bgad ya ahmad :)

Unknown said...

Mahdyyy My Friendd :)) Jazana Wa2eyyakom :) Sooo Gladd that u liked it :))

yasso said...

جزاك الله كل خير :))
ياسمين جمال :)

Unknown said...

Jazana Wa Eiaakom ya Yasmine :):)

Menna said...

Trueeeeeeee (Y)

Unknown said...

Msh kda bardoooo :):)