Friday, 14 January 2011

Why Me?

If you once wondered
Why are you here???
Why do you exist???
Why are you working all this work although you know that you're going to die when your life ends, leaving all your achievements to friends, children & other relatives, and people who will die in the end too????

So, let's just get based with some facts, like:
If you are living for money, others will take after you
If you are living for luxury, you'll lose it once you die

Yes, I know that There are things that will give you some credit after death.

عن أبي هريرة -رضي الله عنه- أن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية، أو علم ينتفع به، أو ولد صالح يدعو له، رواه مسلم،

"Why Do I Live Here, Right Now, In this Place, with these People, with these Resources?"
I've asked myself this question millions and millions

Many people did solve this Mystery and answer this question
Actually, I would give them A+ on their solutions

They said: " لقد خلق الإنسان لإعمار الأرض "
Reconstruct the World
I think you agree with me that this is the right answer, don't you?


The answer wasn't the problem.
It was the Huge Difference between the answer, and what we're really doing right now.

Let me ask you some questions:
  • Can wasting time on TV help you to Reconstruct the World?
  • Can chatting on msn, facebook, or whatever help you to Reconstruct the World?
  • Can playstation, pc games help you to Reconstruct the World?
  • Can COPYING all your reports help you to Reconstruct the World?
  • Does CHEATING in exams help you to Reconstruct the World?
I don't Care what grade you'll achieve, or what position you'll take through cheating. But copying reports or cheating in exams may cause you lose the biggest gift from Allah

Your Mind

Cheating helps you lose confidence in your own ability to solve the question
Cheating helps you to depend more on your partners abilities not yours
Some people may share Exams (for example, Kda Reda). But this will make you a partially tested, as there are other partners.

Yes, if you're used to cheat in any exam, you'll live in your life like a dependent PARASITE
If the surroundings succeeded you'll succeed, if not you'll fail...

And that's Just the opposite side of LEADERSHIP...
Leadership is being independent, is to lead others, not just follow.

You won't feel the Beauty of Accomplishing Success in getting Grades with your own efforts
Whether they were high or low

You won't feel the Beauty of LEADERSHIP
You won't feel the Beauty of FAILURE

The principle is that you are learning from faults
If you're not making mistakes by cheating the solutions perfectly
You won't learn
You won't develop

But Mind Always develop
It's a fact, it's Human Nature
So it will develop in the Negative Way
You will get more experience in how you can LOSE YOUR POWERS

It's the Beauty of Your OWN Success

If you didn't feel it
Please try it, believe me it's awesome


Salma Hossam said...

Ahmad ya Mageeeeeed :)))))))))
Great One AWI MashAllah :):)
Welcome back ya basha ;)
and Keep Rocking Ba2aaaaa :D:D:D

Unknown said...

Salmaaa :D:D:D
Thxxx :)) it's really nice from you :)

May El-Dardiry said...

HATS OFF, Mr Maged! :))) AMAZING :)

Menna said...

I like what you said 3shan tebayenn en hya 7gaaa that will harm f 7gaat keteeer :D
begaaad Niceeee (Y)(Y)

Unknown said...

Thxx ya Mayy :)) bgaddddd

Mennaaa thanQ :D,, It's a fact enn aktarr 7aga tekne3 el wa7ed enno yeseb 7aga enik terboteha bel negative side elli feha ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice blog i add to my bookmarks keep up the good work