Sends his cv to all companies, no reply.
Sends his cv to all companies, the only reply was:
"Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently"
Sends his cv to all companies, all of them reply and agree, يتاخد في الجيش :#
A company calls for interview, يطلعوا فلول و يرفضوه
A company calls for interview, يطلعوا اخوان و يرفضوه
A company calls for interview, calls 3am
A company calls for interview, wrong number
A company calls for interview, 3 missed calls
A company calls for interview, got the call.. battery low !!
Goes the interview... 5 minutes late, and rejected.
Goes the interview on time.. الأمن مايدخلوش عشان إلا لما يخلص دور السودوكو
Goes the interview on time, النور يقطع
Accepted in a companyفي آخر بلاد العالم
Accepted in a company, الشركة تفلس.