Saturday, 22 January 2011


ضِحكة !!

لما تكون من القلب
تقدر تِنهي أي حرب
 تقدر تِصَفّي أي كَرب

لما زعِلت فرحتيني
لما اُحرَجت سَترتيني
لما غضبت هدتيني
أو لما غضبت انقذتيني

اصل الغضب دلوقتي بقى ممنوع
طول ما علم مصر لسه مرفوع
اطمئن يا قِلّة و غَيَّر الموضوع
مفيش شعور بأي حد موجوع

مش في ناس بتموت من الجوع؟
بتتعذب كل يوم, من كل نوع؟
المية بالقطارة, و النور مقطوع
أمن مافيش,و سكن مخلوع

مش زي عذابكم
لما النت كان مقطوع
لما دش يبوظ
ولا موبايل مش مشحون

حياة شريفة لكن تفكير يعر
حياة كريمة لكن مليان كِبر
ابو الهول خلى الناس تتغر
و لما قلت لصاحبي
"عاوزين نطور في البلد دي"
"...طيب يا عم, هو أنت بقا اللي" 
"ارجوك, لو كل واحد قال كدا, احنا عمرنا ماحنتحرك"
"اعمل إيه اكتر من كده, ده أنا مسحول"

صاحبنا ده لو كل المصريين زيه
احب ابادر و اتنبأ بخراب مصر
لكن مصر لسه بخير
مصر بعد الثورة غير

المهم الإيمان بكده
الحرية هي حلمنا
لكن منغير المسؤليه
حتخرب بيوتنا كلنا

الضحكة حلوة مفيش جدال
لكن المصيبة لما تدل علي الإهمال
إللي بيضحك من كثرة الإنجاز
و إللي بيضحك من كثرة الإستهبال

عاوز تضحك صح؟؟؟
اتعب, و اسهر, و انجز
و ساعتها تكون ضحكة حلال

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


Imagine if your mother had born a twin, you and you brother, and your family was very happy with you two babies :)

But sorry, an accident came
and killed your father
and smashed your brother
Before you even started to recognize the Beauty of the Family

Actually you didn't know at that moment
But after 10 years
You saw a man
Who laughed and said

I killed your Dad
I killed your brother
I raped you Mom

A 10-years old angry boy
A 10-years mystery
His mom had lived
With what she saw that night

But, what is he going to do
None could help him
None could share with him
His weakness... His revenge...

So he decided the following
Boy: "I don't have to live in this life
but I won't leave this man to live it
so I'll blow myself with him
and my family will be happy"

His Mom replied strangely
Mom: Are you mad, I won't lose you
Your Dad won't be happy
If he knew so

Boy: But Mom,
If Dad could have the power
to express his anger
he could have destroyed the Earth

Mom: Baby I don't want to you
Boy: Mom, it's a Decision

And he left away with a tear
Mama's tears sealed away

And the hero Blew himself

And killed with him 100 Soldier

My Question now
Who is the real terrorist here??


I'm proud to be a Muslim

It is how we all treat
It is how we all think
When you think of being good
When you get away from any bad
When you support the weak
When you're not frightened to say IT's Wrong 
This is how Muslims are supposed to be
This is how Islam was once the lead

But don't you ever think
That Muslims are anyone whose names
include "Ahmad, Muhammad or Omar"
No, Muslim is a character as I said
Muslims don't lie
Muslims don't cheat
Muslims don't criticize
 Muslims don't Hate
Muslims Love
Muslims Build
Muslims Forgive
Muslims Support

Muslims' Character is the best in the world
These words were not to defend Islam
Or to Prove it's the best
It's the best...
It's the best...

These words were to Muslims
or Actually People who carry an Islamic Name
Guys you're are weakening Islam
Islam is weak with people
who are pretending to be Muslims

So If you're not Muslims
Srry, If you're not doing like what Muslims do
Just say it

Friday, 14 January 2011

Why Me?

If you once wondered
Why are you here???
Why do you exist???
Why are you working all this work although you know that you're going to die when your life ends, leaving all your achievements to friends, children & other relatives, and people who will die in the end too????

So, let's just get based with some facts, like:
If you are living for money, others will take after you
If you are living for luxury, you'll lose it once you die

Yes, I know that There are things that will give you some credit after death.

عن أبي هريرة -رضي الله عنه- أن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية، أو علم ينتفع به، أو ولد صالح يدعو له، رواه مسلم،

"Why Do I Live Here, Right Now, In this Place, with these People, with these Resources?"
I've asked myself this question millions and millions

Many people did solve this Mystery and answer this question
Actually, I would give them A+ on their solutions

They said: " لقد خلق الإنسان لإعمار الأرض "
Reconstruct the World
I think you agree with me that this is the right answer, don't you?


The answer wasn't the problem.
It was the Huge Difference between the answer, and what we're really doing right now.

Let me ask you some questions:
  • Can wasting time on TV help you to Reconstruct the World?
  • Can chatting on msn, facebook, or whatever help you to Reconstruct the World?
  • Can playstation, pc games help you to Reconstruct the World?
  • Can COPYING all your reports help you to Reconstruct the World?
  • Does CHEATING in exams help you to Reconstruct the World?
I don't Care what grade you'll achieve, or what position you'll take through cheating. But copying reports or cheating in exams may cause you lose the biggest gift from Allah

Your Mind

Cheating helps you lose confidence in your own ability to solve the question
Cheating helps you to depend more on your partners abilities not yours
Some people may share Exams (for example, Kda Reda). But this will make you a partially tested, as there are other partners.

Yes, if you're used to cheat in any exam, you'll live in your life like a dependent PARASITE
If the surroundings succeeded you'll succeed, if not you'll fail...

And that's Just the opposite side of LEADERSHIP...
Leadership is being independent, is to lead others, not just follow.

You won't feel the Beauty of Accomplishing Success in getting Grades with your own efforts
Whether they were high or low

You won't feel the Beauty of LEADERSHIP
You won't feel the Beauty of FAILURE

The principle is that you are learning from faults
If you're not making mistakes by cheating the solutions perfectly
You won't learn
You won't develop

But Mind Always develop
It's a fact, it's Human Nature
So it will develop in the Negative Way
You will get more experience in how you can LOSE YOUR POWERS

It's the Beauty of Your OWN Success

If you didn't feel it
Please try it, believe me it's awesome

Thursday, 13 January 2011

ثورة هدوء

مسكين لا يريد إلا العيش
ليس له بمن يَحكم أو يُحكم
من يَظلِم أو يُظلم

الموت من الحياه قد تساويا
و لأنه ألف الحياه
فقد يخاف الموت

إذا جاءه خيرا سعد و لا يشكر
و إن جاع حقد و غضب و لا يذكر
فماذا لو مات جوعا
أو كان للمال ذليلا

أين أنت ؟؟
بين أفراد مصر
إذا كنت تعرف قدراتك و تؤمن بها
فهناك الملايين لا يعرفوا من تكون
خطط , استعد , ابدأ
سبقك الكتير من بدأ
و سيلحقك الأكثر

إذا رضيت بالعيش فقط
فإن العيش لا يرضى بالمساكين

Chain of Infection

An old man once spoke about his greatness
He spoke about how God did totally bless
The exact turn from the life of a worthless
He spoke about getting out from weakness

People were so excited to hear
About the old man WHY he did care ??!
And silence played, all the people stared
Waiting the great man to show his flare

After 16 from my life start
I began to gain lots of friends
But what did mainly pertubate
They liked all the lovely dead ends

Pretty cool from outside
Fearful beast from inside
In weakness it back lied
If anyone saw it, he'll hide

Addiction is that beast
Sexuality is that beast
Cruelness, indifference
Weakness to the life monster

The beast that had controlled me
That controlled me terribly
But once my parents
Knew that I'm WEAK

My father's heart stayed silent
My mother's screams went loudly
My father's heart stayed silent
My mother's tears fell badly

Before the last minutes in his life
He grabbed me weakly and whistled
I wasn't shocked from your weakness
But from my weakness effect
These were the last words your Grandpa said
after knowing about my infect
But asked me not to pass MY weakness to you Son
So feel your power, feel your supporting God
Lead the +ve change, and cut that chain

Cut the Chain of infection
Cut the Chain of infection